Until now there has been no uniform standard for determining the performance of Trench Heating.
The EN 16430 standard was validated during March 2015 and provides common standards of manufacture and performance which were applied with immediate effect. New EN standard for trench heating/cooling trenches under real-life conditions and puts an end to uncertainties in the design and output when comparing the performance data of different manufacturers.
EN 16430 comprises of three parts.
Part 1. Technical specification and requirements
Part 2. Test method and rating for thermal output
Part 3. Test method and rating for cooling capacity
Part of the EN 16430 test procedure monitors the ambient room air temperature which is measured in the centre of a test booth at a distance of 2m from the façade at a height of 0.75 m above FFL. For an accurate reading the test room is designed so the ambient air temperature is measured and not be mixed up with the entering air temperature into the coil which may be variable due to the inevitable dilution between leaving air and entering air.
The EN 16430 test not only covers heating and cooling performance but also covers, Pressure, Noise and Electrical & Maintenance safety.
A full copy of the EN 16430 testing procedure can be purchased from the BSI http://shop.bsigroup.com
Typical Trench Heater